Satsang Vihar Chennai
சத்சங் விஹார் சென்னை

Sree Sree Thakur Anukulchandra and Satsang Movement
SATSANG is a socio-cultural-spiritual philanthropic movement and dependable abode of the life where an integrated and dedicated gesture for cultivation of love and regards are spontaneously practiced through the lofty teachings of Param Premamaya Sri Sri Thakur. Though disintegration is a prevalent disease in the modern society, He integrated whole globe through his Love. He says without character formation in individual life national integration and world peace is not possible. In His words, every individual needs to be reformed and every house is to be re-constructed. He called SATSANG as a man- making institution. The mission of Satsang Movement is to reform and transform human beings from direction-less self-centered beings into Ideal-centric personalities with vigor and vitality. At the moment, there are more than 3000 Satsang Centres functioning in India and abroad. Govt. of India was pleased to bring out a commemorative special postage stamp and first day cover of Sri Sri Thakur during year 1987. A special postage stamp was also brought out by the Govt. of India during the birth centenary year 2010 of Param Pujyapada Sri Sri Borda as well.
Sree Sree Thakur Anukulchandra was born on 14th September 1888, in present Bangladesh at Himaitpur of Pabna district (eastern part of undivided Bengal) in a very middle class pious Brahmin family. In His Childhood He was inspired by His mother who was a great lady of austerity and worldly activity. After giving up his medical carrier, the young Anukulchandra became a Messiah to His associates. From very prime of his youth he used to lead the afflicted and the distressed to the path of peace. He was regarded as the Yug Purushottam. His personal magnetism, deep love and compassion inspired those around him. He was endowed with a powerful insight into human and external nature and is said to have gone frequently into a state of Bhava-Samadhi or spiritual trance. Personalities like Mahatma Gandhi, Deshbandhu Chittaranjan, Dr. Rajendra Prasad, Subhas Chandra Bose, Sarat Chandra Chatterjee, Eugene Exman, Fazlul Haque, Lal Bahadur Sashtri, Swami Abhedananda, Shree Shree Ma Ananadamoyee, Acharya Tulsi were among the few eminent personalities who met Him.
So far Satsang as an organization is concerned, it is unparallel and unique. All the activities of it are run by the master guidance of one in the name of Param Pujyapada Acharyadev – a true embodiment of the principles as laid by Param Premamaya Sri Sri Thakur. His advice and commands are unanimously accepted and followed by all Satsangees.
Satsang Movement in Tamilnadu

The Satsang movement took deep roots in Tamilnadu with consecration of a beautiful and serene temple (Satsang Vihar, Chennai) along with a guest house at the foot of Sengazhuneer Hill, Pammal (Pallavaram) on 3 rd December 2000 (Sunday). Satsang Vihars and kendras are places where devotees assemble regularly to offer prayers and other auspicious events. Satsang Vihar Chennai is one of such Satsang Vihars around the world. It was inaugurated on 3rd Dec 2000 by Param Pujyapada Acharyadev Sri Sri Dada with the celebration its 1st Annual Utsav. Since then Satsang Vihar Chennai has been working towards the fulfillment of ideology of Param Premamaya Sri Sri Thakur. Satsang Vihar Chennai along with many satsang centers at Thiruvanmalai
and Ramanathpuram in Tamilnadu is spreading the lord’s ideology through various socio-cultural–spiritual activities. At present there more than 12 Satsang Upayojana Kendras working with the Satsang Vihar Chennai for the purpose of being and becoming as enunciated by Param Premamaya Sri Sri Thakur.
Inauguration of Upayojana Kendra at CHEMMANCHERY on 01st Feb 10 AM, KOVILAMBAKKAM on 2nd Feb at 07.00 AM, THIRUMUDIVAKKAM: @ 10 A.m and THIRUVARKADU: @ 12 P.m
inauguration of Upayojana Kendra
More Details
Message of the day
"Surrender to thy Ideal, continue to move on— smashing and managing the sufferings that come forth as obstacles,— and be crowned with success "
- Shree Shreee Thakur - The Message- Volume 1