
  • Inauguration of Upayojana Kendra at CHEMMANCHERY on 01st Feb 10 AM, KOVILAMBAKKAM on 2nd Feb at 07.00 AM, THIRUMUDIVAKKAM: @ 10 A.m and THIRUVARKADU: @ 12 P.m

    inauguration of Upayojana Kendra

  • Poneeri Utsav on 26th Jan , Sunday, Inauguration of Upayojana Kendra at Puzal and Manali on 26th Sunday at 4 pm and 6.30 pm respectively

    Starts with morning Prayer, followed by sangeetanjali ,satsang and Prasad sevan

  • Satsang Organisation

    Sree Thakur Anukulchandra founded the Satsang Movement as his mission to reform and transform human beings from direction-less self-centered beings into ideal-centric personalities with vigour and vitality. Sree Sree Thakur called Satsang a man making institution. He set up his ashram in Himaitpur, Pabna. Within no time, many activities started building up in the Satsang ashram which included cottage industry, scientific research, publication of divine literature etc. Perhaps Sree Sree Thakur had a premonition about the future division of the country as one fine morning in 1946 he called his followers together and asked them to make arrangements to move to Deoghar, now in the state of Jharkhand, India, leaving behind crores of rupees worth of assets and buildings in Pabna. The Satsang was re-established in Deoghar where it stands to this day. Today there are over 20000 Satsang Vihars and Kendras across the globe. Today, Sree Sree Thakur is not with us in flesh and blood, but he lives on eternally in the hearts, minds and spirits of his ever growing multitude of followers worldwide who feel his soothing, loving, fulfilling touch in their lives and who through their concentric love for Sree Sree Thakur, continue to move towards eternal ‘being and becoming’ along with their family, community and environment. Today there are over 3 crore devotees of Sree Sree Thakur Anukulchandra across the globe following his path of ‘being and becoming’. At present, his grandson, Sree Sree Dada is the Acharyadev of Satsang and the guiding light to millions of satsangees all over the world.

    Satsang movement in Karnataka started in the early 1990’s when a few devotees living in Bangalore city started organizing Satsang adhiveshans in their homes. The activities grew in momentum after Sree Sree Dada’s holy visit to Bangalore in December 2000. The Srimandir of Sree Sree Thakur Anukulchandra was inaugurated on the 14th December 2014 in Bangalore. This Satsang Vihar in Bangalore is the first ever in Karnataka state and is located at Medahalli off Old Madras Road with its majestic structure. This has become a center for many spiritual activities which include prayer, meditation, discourses, health camps etc. The second branch of Satsang in Karnataka was inaugurated at Sindhanur in the Raichur district of Karnataka. At present, there are more than 50000 satsangees in the state of Karnataka piously following path of ’being and becoming’ propounded by Sree Sree Thakur Anukulchandra.

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